Find Shades of Vengeance at AetherCon in 1 week!

Hi everyone!

In a week, we’re at AetherCon, a virtual convention (10-12 November)! It’s our first time there as exhibitors, but we have loads going on.

Sick of not living in England so you miss seeing us at conventions? No longer! As a virtual convention, AetherCon takes place online over the whole weekend, so you can chat to us, join games and much more!

Probably most important to you guys is that we’ll be offering special prices for that weekend on all of our books, including several bundles which will let you get hold of anything you didn’t yet managed to get hold of at lower prices than ever!

We’re also entering a number of rewards in the prize draws, so don’t forget to check those out!

Keith, one of our most experienced artists, will be participating in the Speed Painting competition, so drop over there to have a look at what he comes up with!

We’ll also be running a number of games with anyone who wishes to join us, calling some of our most experienced GMs in to lend a hand!

Overall, it’s going to be a brilliant weekend, and I hope you’ll consider checking it (and us!) out there! Here’s a list of everything that’s available:

(Note: You do have to get tickets, as there are limited spots, but the tickets are free!)

We’re doing loads of things, so don’t forget to check it out and sign up for (free) tickets!

– Ed