Hi everyone!
We’re got loads of things going on right now, and you’ll have the chance to get involved with any of them!
– We’ve got the Era: Lyres Kickstarter 150% funded already, with more than 30 days to go, so we’re hoping to spread the word about that some more before we finish.
– We’ve got the Counting Down From One Kickstarter, our first comic Kickstarter, coming to an end in about a week. It’s funded, so check it out if you’d like to get hold of a full-length comic about the Consortium!
– We’re opening a couple of our games to beta testers, so watch for Sunday’s announcement from The Oracle!
– We’re working on changing the way we do certain things, such as Patreon, and we hope to offer you a new opportunity to enjoy our various creative work.
– On Saturday, Dice and Stuff will be releasing their next Consortium podcast and on Sunday, I’m told, their next Lyres podcast!
We’ve been able to do these things only thanks to your support. Thanks so much for helping us out.
– Ed