Spotlight: Radio Free Taranis

Good Evening! With Valentine’s Day only a month away (!) This spotlight is for all you cyber-cupids out there; on Radio Free Taranis you can join anti-Consortium lothario Midnight Terry for the best pick up lines this side of the future.

Get suggestions for conversation starters and memorable opening lines you’d never have thought of, such as:

“I’m Midnight Terry and I’m here to reach into your mind and inject some truth into your brain!”

“You’ve wandered into the only place where you can hear the raw, uncut truth…”

“Come get a dose of reality that’s sure to curl your toes!”

However, if some of you want a break from romance, then the other side of Terry’s rambling may be more to your taste. Set to give you a new perspective on life in the Consortium – outside of corporate episionage or the Resistance – this is about Terry’s quest for justice.

For a taster, we have a preview playlist over at Soundcloud:

And Season 1 will be available here soon!

Happy listening!

— Leo