Era: The Empowered Development Update 3 – Layout and Images

Hi everyone!

Here’s the latest on the Era: The Empowered Core Rulebook development, right from the source.

We’ve been working hard, and we’re making some great progress. I’ve finished all of the Locations in the game now, so that brings the Part 1 writing to completion, apart from 5 more stories, all of which are due by the end of this week.

Keith is doing a second round of work on the layout, and it’s coming along nicely – I think this book is going to measure up to our usual high standards of layout!

He’s also working through the artwork as fast as humanly possible – the featured image is one of his latest completed images, and I think it’s looking great! We’re continuing to press on through those images with the aim of finishing them by the end of this month.

I’ve still got to write the Campaigns, but that’s something I’m very used to, and I’m expecting to send the first chunks off to proofreading any time now!

All in all, we have some potential issues with the timelines, but we’re still hopeful we can make our extremely ambitious May deadline!

Please let me know if you have any questions, of course!

– Ed