Era: The Empowered Player’s Guide Available now on DriveThruRPG!

Hi everyone!

For the first time, you can now get the Player’s Guide for Era: The Empowered on DriveThruRPG:–Players-Guide

Our superhero game runs on the Era d10 Rule Set and brings a brand new way of approaching super powers.

The Player’s Guide contains everything you need to play – a briefing on each of the time periods you can play in (intended to represent all of the sub-genres of superhero stories!), along with the full character creation guide, an equipment list and the complete rules to the game!

It’s everything you need to try out Era: The Empowered, so I strongly recommend you have a look at it if you didn’t pick it up from the Kickstarter!

Just in case that’s not enough for you, we also have a bunch of pre-made characters available for a “Pay What You Want” price! Use Penumbra, Lacuna, Lobo and others in your next adventure!–Premade-Character-Sheets-Pack

– Ed