Extending the Revival Expansion – The Oracle

I have some good news and I have some great news for you today. First, the good news. Time Travel Campaign Part 1 is close to final! It’s undergoing a last proofread and should be sent out next week. Parts 2 and 3 are with Ed and he is in the process of working through them. So, you’ll have something new in your inbox very soon to get you going on the Time Travel series. I love the series but don’t get me started on all that going back in the past and butterfly effect changes, it makes my eyes cross!

Now, on to the great news. Ed and John, during the process of developing and writing the Revival expansion, have realized that they want this story to be bigger than they originally planned. In order to fit in everything they’ve got rolling around in their combined imaginations, and let’s not get into how much that must be, they’re extending the story to make sure they do it justice. We’ll know soon if all this extra detail will cause a slight delay but more story is definitely a good thing. Can’t wait to see what they’ve created!

We’re heading towards the end of our first month in 2017 but there’s still time to get in on the monthly Patreon rewards. Patrons receive insider benefits before anyone else and have the opportunity to help steer the direction of the campaign. It’s not too late to give it a try! ( https://www.patreon.com/SoV )

See you next week!