The Next Era Comic Is Coming Up! – The Oracle

It’s time once again for another fabulous Era Comic! This time we get to experience the next super powered hero from Era: The Empowered.

Violete spends her time balancing school life, family matters and the occasional run-in with petty criminals. Her powers of flight and super strength make her a force to be reckoned with until she meets a villain with powers of his own. Now, Violete finds herself in a fight for her life that could push her into becoming more than just an average hero.

This is the third comic for Era: The Empowered and it is written by Ed Jowett and Jennifer Martin, before being edited and lettered by Johnathan Lewis. These three have worked together to bring us some amazing stories for Era: The Consortium, Era: Survival, and Era: The Empowered so you know you’re in excellent hands!

You’ve got plenty of time to check this comic’s Kickstarter out, but why wait? You can choose from pdf or physical versions of the story as well as some unique extras. Head on over and see just what Violete is all about in her first-ever comic book appearance.

That’s it for me today. I’ll see you Saturday with another Consortium Expansion Spotlight!