Hi everyone!
Just a reminder that I’m primarily talking my RPGs in this #RPGaDay, so if you have any questions about anything I mention, shout, I’d be more than happy to answer!
#RPGaDay 23: Which RPG has the most jaw-dropping layout?
I have always loved the amazing work of Keith Draws, right from his first submission of suggestions for Era: The Consortium’s Core Rulebook.
I think the single book I’m happiest with, though, is the Era: The Consortium expansion, Revival.
We combined the elements of Survival Horror, which we carefully chose for Era: Survival, with the Era: The Consortium Rulebook layout which we are really proud of to make something that suited the theme perfectly.
Honestly, I couldn’t be happier with Era: The Consortium – Revival’s layout (and the story content is also fantastic, written by our Head of Comics and veteran writer Johnathan Lewis! I wrote the campaign, so I’ll let you decide on that for yourselves, rather than calling it brilliant…).
If you want to get hold of Revival, there’s only one place to do it right now, on our Store: https://www.era-games.com/product/era-consortium-revival-digital/
– Ed