Hi everyone!
Our latest Kickstarter has just launched, now that we’ve delivered Champion of Earth and are just finishing Revival (the unexpected unlock from Era: The Consortium!).
You can join us at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shadesofvengeance/era-survival-expansions !
The same team that has worked on the Core Rulebook and most of Era: The Consortium have come back to offer you expansions to Era: Survival’s post-apocalyptic universe. Initially we’re bringing 3, but there’s a huge scope – we’re offering an additional free expansion for each Stretch Goal!
The Definitive Edition Rulebook for Era: Survival is also up for grabs here, so don’t miss out on the expanded and improved guide to Gaia!
We’ll also be offering daily updates right here about the various expansions involved in the Kickstarter and our other ideas!
We hope you’ll join us there…
– Ed