The Writer’s Journey


A unique approach to teaching writing – a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book!

  • The result of a decade of writing and publishing other writers’ work.
  • 100 Pages in length.
  • True pocket size – International A6!
  • Dozens of writing mistakes demonstrated and analysed.
  • “Previous Page” specified on each page, so you can back-track!


What is “The Writer’s Journey”?

I’ve been helping people to learn about writing for almost a decade. And, I love doing it!

When a particular idea was suggested to me by a friend, I couldn’t resist bringing it to life! The result of that project is The Writer’s Journey…

The idea?

A “Choose Your Own Adventure” book which hits dead ends due to writing errors.

So rather than following a story which might lead to dead ends due to choices, there are a variety of writing errors that are demonstrated. Encountering one of these will instantly end the story, such as:

– Plot Problems – Issues such as executing a “Deus Ex Machina”, flashbacks that halt the flow or a cliché nemesis!

– Writing Style – Choices such as Fourth wall breaks, convoluted or hard-to-follow sentences, and excessive use of the passive voice.

– Character Development – Having characters acting differently for plot reasons, making them evil for no reason, or suddenly introducing a new skill they didn’t have before!


When the reader encounters one of these, the story ends, and there is an explanation page which describes what problems this causes to the reader, as well as suggested alternatives that could be explored in order to deliver what you’re hoping to achieve.

This book is my innovative way to help others learn to write, and the people who have seen it so far have found it extremely helpful with comments such as “Agreed, and please forward to Hollywood!” coming from reviewers!

It’s my fond hope that you’ll find this useful, amusing or both!


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