Just arrived, Time Travel 1 to all Kickstarter backers! Thank you to everyone who helped support us. Enjoy your copy and let us know what you think. If you’re bummed that you don’t have the chance to play this game then come get onboard with our Patreon campaign. ( https://www.patreon.com/SoV ) You can still join us!
Ed and the whole team are proud of what we’ve put together. This project has been a year’s worth of campaigns that were developed and produced as we worked on understanding Kickstarter. Now, we’ve updated and improved those campaigns and we think that you’re really going to enjoy it!
So, where are we at with the expansions? Time Travel 2 is currently being worked on. As far as the rest of the expansions go, we still expect to meet the timelines for digital versions and even include the Stretch Goals as well by the end of February! The timetable for our printed versions for everything that was promised in the Kickstarter still looks achievable for everything except Revival and Time Travel 3 which is a bit uncertain. Even with those exceptions we still expect to get the books out to everyone by the end of February!
For those who are expecting physical copies of Revival and Time Travel 3, we will be sending the group together so those are going to arrive slightly later. Trying to deliver all the Stretch Goals on the same timeline has been difficult. However, we appreciate and are grateful for everyone’s understanding about the delayed arrival.
I just have one more thing to share with you today. Do you know someone who hasn’t tried the Consortium yet? It may seem impossible but there are people out there who haven’t experienced this game. Please share this page with anyone who’d like to give Consortium a try and they’ll receive a free copy of the Consortium primer. Not a bad deal!
( https://www.era-games.com/your-free-game/ )
Until next time!