Shades of Vengeance is looking for someone to help out during the MCM Comicon event in London (May 22nd – 24th). It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity that will get you free access to the event while seeing some of what happens behind the scenes.
Along with free access for all three days we’re also going to teach you more about the games that we’ll be bringing, give you time for breaks so you can look around the event and on top of that we’re even willing to throw in a small hourly payment. How’s that for having your cake and eating it too?
We expect to see a huge turn out at this event and we’re going to need all the help we can get. The application process will be casual, however there are a few criteria you’ll have to meet in order to take part.
We need folks who can commit to attending all three days. If you live in London this would be perfect. However, if you’re already planning to attend but you’ll have to fly, drive, take a bus or hop on a train that’s fine with us too; just as long as you show up. I’ll mention right up front here that accomodation, transportation and food are all on your own. Well, we’ll probably bring sandwiches to the convention, and I guess you can share.
You may be asking yourself; “This looks great but what exactly do you want me to do?” Well, it’s simple, we need an enthusiastic person who can chat with the folks walking by, get them interested in what we’re doing and even sit them down to play a test game with our team of GMs.
It’s not necessary that you be a sales genius or have played RPG games since you were five years old (though both of those would be helpful!). What we’re looking for most is a great attititude and the ability to help get others excited about our games.
If you’re interested, please send us an email detailing any relevant experience with sales, the playing of RPG games or other facts you think we might enjoy hearing about. We will set up a Skype interview with the top candidates to determine the finalist. This position will be open until we find the best person for the job.
Best of luck to you!
Please send your details to:
Ed Jowett – Shades of Vengeance Managing Director and Game Creator
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